Moto Programs

    Moto Programs

    2024 Moto Programs

    Maxxis is currently offering contingency for the following series:
    US Sprint Enduro | Best In The Desert | IXCR | Legacy | SCORE

    Maxxis reserves the right to modify or cancel its contingency program offerings at its sole discretion at any time and without notice.


    • Moto – By submitting the contingency form you are verifying that the rider ran two (2) Maxxis tires and a minimum of two (2) decals visible on both sides of the machine.
    • All must start and finish on Maxxis tires, including spares.

    W9 Form

    W8 Form (For non-U.S. citizens or other non-U.S. persons)


    US Sprint Enduro

    Motorcycle Requirements:

    • 2 Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle
    • Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters
    PRO 1 $400  $300  $200 5
    PRO 2 $300 $200 $100 5
    PRO-AM $300 $200 $100 5
    PRO ELECTRIC $300 $200 $100 5
    PRO WOMEN $300 $200 $100 5
    “A” Classes $300 $200 $100 5
    “A/B” Classes $200 $100 $50 5
    “B” Classes $200 $100 $50 5
    “C” Classes $100 $50 5
    Warrior $100 $50 5
    Womens 40+ $100 $50 5
    Vintage $100 $50 5
    SUPER MINI SR (14-15) $100 $50 3
    SUPER MINI JR (12-13) $100 $50 3
    85 SR (12-15) $100 $50 3
    85 JR (7-11) $100 $50 3
    65 SR (10-11) $75 $25 3
    65 JR (7-9) $75 $25 3
    GIRLS (10-16) $75 $25 3
    TRAIL BIKE (7-11) $100 $50 3
    50 SR (7-8) $75 $25 3
    50 JR (4-6) $75 $25 3

    *Extra $10,000* Up for Grabs in the Maxxis Tires Final 48 at Best in the Desert Vegas to Reno!

    Payouts, which are open to all athletes in the listed classes (even those not running Maxxis tires), include $500 for athletes competing in Moto Open Amateur and Open Expert classes; $1000 in UTV N/A Pro, UTV Open and UTV Turbo Pro; and $2,000 for 4400 Ultra 4, 6100 and Trick Truck classes.

    UTV Requirements:

    • 2 x 12” Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle
    • Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires including spares
    • Maxxis Razr XT Class Championship Bonus – $5,000 (Razr XT must be used at every race)
    BITD – UTV
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd *The FINAL 48* Min. Starters
    Production Turbo $1500 $1000 $500 $1000 5
    Production NA $1500 $1000 $500 $1000 5
    Trophy Unlimited $1500 $1000 $500 $1000 5
    Super Stock Turbo $1500 $1000 $500 5
    Pure Stock $1500 $1000 $500 5

    Motorcycle Requirements:

    • 2 Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle
    • Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires
    BITD – Motorcycle
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd *The FINAL 48* Min. Starters
    Open Pro $500 $250 $125 5
    399 Pro $300 $150 $75 5
    Over 30 Pro $300 $150 $75 5
    Over 40 Pro $300 $150 $75 5
    Ironman Pro $300 $150 $75 5
    Open Exp/Am $200 $100 $50 $500 5
    399 Exp/Am $200 $100 $50 5
    Over 30 Exp $200 $100 $50 5
    Over 40 Exp $200 $100 $50 5
    Over 50 Exp $200 $100 $50 5
    Ironman Exp/Am $200 $100 $50 5
    Adventure Exp $200 $100 $50 5
    Women’s Exp $200 $100 $50 5
    Family Exp $200 $100 $50 5

    Quad Requirements:

    • 2 Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle
    • Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires
    BITD – Quad
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters
    Quad Pro $300 $150 $75 5
    Exp/Am $300 $150 $75 5
    Ironman Exp/Am $300 $150 $75 5

    Truck Requirements:

    • 2 x 24” Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle
    • Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires including spares
    • $5,000 bonus for winning class championship if using Maxxis at every race
    BITD – Truck
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd *The FINAL 48* Minimum Starters
    Trick Truck $1,000 $500 $300 $2000 5
    1500 Unlimited $1,000 $500 $300 5
    6100 $1,000 $500 $300 $2000 5
    4400 $1,000 $500 $300 $2000 5
    4500/4600/4800 $1,000 $500 $300 5

    Motorcycle Requirements:

    • 2 Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle
    • Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters
    Pro $300 $200 $125 8 Pro $300 $200 $125 8 Pro 15+ $300 $200 $125 8
    Heavy $200 $100 $75 8 4×4 Pro 16+ $300 $200 $125 8 “A” Classes $200 $100 $75 8
    Single Driver $200 $100 $75 8 “A” Classes $200 $100 $75 8 Womens Expert $200 $100 $75 8
    Heavy Limited $200 $100 $75 8 Women Advanced 15+ $200 $100 $75 8 Warrior/Front Line $100 $75 $50 8
    Youth SR 600 $75 $50 5 4×4 Advanced $200 $100 $75 8 Sportsman A/B $100 $75 $50 8
    Y SR Single Seat ACE $75 $50 5 “B” Classes $100 $75 $50 8 “B” Classes $100 $75 $50 8
    Youth JR 250 $50 5 Super Senior (50+) $100 $75 $50 8 “C” Classes $75 $50 8
    Warrior/Front Line $100 $75 50 8 60+ Senior $75 $50 8
    “C” Classes $75 $50 8 150 B/C $75 $50 8
    4×4 Advanced Novice $75 $50 8 Women $75 $50 8
    Women 15+ $75 $50 8 D Open $50 5
    “D” Classes $75 $50 8 Super Mini (8-15) $50 5
    300 (12-15) $50 5 Super Mini Girls (8-15) $50 5
    50cc, 90cc (All) $50 5 50cc, 60cc, 85cc $50 5
    Trail Rider (All) $50 5 Girls $50 5
    Girls Limited $50 5 Trail Rider (All) $50 5
    Super Mini (All) $50 5

    Motorcycle Requirements:

    • 2 Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle
    • Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters
    XC1 Pro (16+) $400 $200 $100 8
    XC2 $300 $150 $75 8
    XC3 $200 $100 $50 8
    WXC $300 $150 $75 8
    Women $200 $100 $50 8
    Women Vet (30+) $200 $100 $50 8
    Amateur $100 $50 $25 8
    Senior (40+) $200 $100 $50 8
    Masters (55+) $200 $100 $50 8
    Big Bore (200lb+) $200 $100 $50 8
    Youth (9-13) $100 $50 $25 8

    Motorcycle Requirements:

    • 2 Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle
    • Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters
    Pro $300  $200  $100 8
    Pro II $300 $200 $100 8
    Pro Women $250 $150 $75 8
    “A” Classes $200 $100 $75 8
    “B” Classes $150 $75 $40 8
    “C” Classes $100 $50 $25
    Youth Classes $75 $50 $25 8


    • 2 x 12” Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle
    • Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires, including spares
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters
    UTV Turbo $1000 $500 $250 5
    UTV NA $1000 $500 $250 5
    UTV Stock $500 $250 $125 5
    UTV Unlimited $500 $250 $125 5
    MOTO Open Pro $500 $250 $125 5
    MOTO Open Expert $400 $200 $100 5
    MOTO Open Amateur $300 $150 $75 5
    QUAD Open Pro $500 $250 $125 5
    QUAD Open Expert $400 $200 $100 5
    QUAD Open Amateur $300 $150 $75 5
    Unlimited Truck $1000 $500 $250 5
    Class 1 $500 $250 $125 5
    Ultra 4 $1000 $500 $250 5
    Ultra 4 Limited $500 $250 $125 5
    Trophy Lite $500 $250 $125 5
    6100 $500 $250 $125 5
    6200 $500 $250 $125 5
    Trophy Lite R-8 $500 $250 $125 5
    Class 7 $500 $250 $125 5
    Class 11 $500 $250 $125 5
    UTV RS1 $500 $250 $125 5
    UTV Sportsman $500 $250 $125 5

    UTV Requirements:

    All Races

    2 x 12” Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle

    Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires including spares

    Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters
    Pro UTV Forced Induction (FI)  $1,000  $500  $250 5
    Pro UTV Normally Aspirated (NA)  $1,000  $500  $250 5
    Pro UTV Open  $1,000  $500  $250 5
    Pro Stock UTV – NA & FI Combined  $500  $250  $125 5
    Sportsman UTV Open – (NA & FI)  $500  $250  $125 5
    Sportsman Stock UTV – (NA & FI)  $500  $250  $125 5


    Motorcycle Requirements:

    All Races

    2 x 6″ Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle

    Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires

    SCORE – Motorcycle
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters
    Pro Moto Unlimited $500 $250 $125 5
    Pro Moto Limited $300 $150 $75 5
    Pro Moto Ironman $300 $150 $75 5
    Pro Moto 30 $300 $150 $75 5
    Pro Moto 40 $300 $150 $75 5
    Pro Moto 50 $200 $100 $50 5
    Pro Moto 60 $200 $100 $50 5
    Pro Moto Baja-E $200 $100 $50 5
    Pro Moto Adventure $200 $100 $50 5
    Sportsman Moto $200 $100 $50 5



    Quad Requirements:

    All Races

    2 x 6″ Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle

    Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires

    SCORE – Quad
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters
    Pro Quad $300 $150 $75 5
    Pro Quad Ironman $300 $150 $75 5
    Sportsman Quad $300 $150 $75 5


    Truck Requirements: Baja 500/Baja 400/San Felipe 250

    Baja 500/Baja 400/San Felipe 250

    2 x 24” Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle

    Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires including spares

    $10,000 bonus for winning class championship if using Maxxis at every race

    SCORE – Truck – Baja 500/Baja 400/San Felipe 250
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters
    Trophy Truck $1,000 $500 $250 5
    Trophy Truck Spec $750 $500 $250 5
    Class 1 $500 $250 $100 5
    Class 4400 $500 $250 $100 5
    Class 10 $500 $250 $100 5
    Class 7 $500 $250 $100 5
    Class 8 $500 $250 $100 5
    Class 11 $500 $250 $100 5


    Truck Requirements: Baja 1000

    Baja 500/Baja 400/San Felipe 250

    2 x 24” Decals, visible from left and ride sides of vehicle

    Must start and finish on Maxxis Tires including spares

    $10,000 bonus for winning class championship if using Maxxis at every race

    SCORE – Truck – Baja 1000
    Class 1st 2nd 3rd Minimum Starters
    Trophy Truck $1,500 $750 $500 5
    Trophy Truck Spec $1,000 $500 $250 5
    Class 1 $750 $500 $250 5
    Class 4400 $750 $500 $250 5
    Class 10 $500 $250 $100 5
    Class 7 $500 $250 $100 5
    Class 8 $500 $250 $100 5
    Class 11 $500 $250 $100 5




    If contingency submissions do not follow our guidelines, it will be rejected and you will be notified.
    • Please ensure your information is correct and complete.
    • MUST provide still photograph of machine with tire, decals and trophy.  Action shots WILL NOT be accepted.
    • Please provide list of ALL racers entered.  Providing only the top 3 WILL NOT be accepted.